Real estate
Bekament boldly faces market challenges by constantly pushing its boundaries in the area of its business
Bekament boldly faces market challenges by constantly pushing its boundaries in the area of its business
Owing to decades’ long experience in the construction industry, the company has started building commercial and residential buildings in accordance with the highest world standards using its own resources and materials.
The Company employs professional teams of people, graduates of civil engineering, mechanical and electrical engineers, who operationally manage the construction sites, organize the complete performance of works in coordination with the designers.
The Company Bekament as an investor performs construction work which involves the construction of business and residential buildings, and also sells high quality apartments directly to customers.
The Company’s offer also includes a complete service of engineering, planning and construction of a wide variety of turn-key construction facilities, making Bekament a reliable partner committed to meeting the growing needs of clients.
Respecting global standards
we build excellence
Temeljna i profesionalna selekcija materijala i kvalifikovanih kadrova koji rade na izvođenju radova, ispunjavanje svih profesionalnih obaveza i građevinskih standarda jesu preduslov za građenje dugogodišnjih partnerskih odnosa na kojima se bazira poslovni uspeh i kredibilitet Bekament kompanije.
A thorough and professional selection of materials and qualified personnel performing the works, fulfilling all professional obligations and building standards are a prerequisite for building long-term partnerships which the business success and credibility of Bekament Company rely on.
Sale of apartments
and houses
Behind each construction project there is an expert team of people who guarantee the quality of construction and adherence to the agreed deadlines, which makes Bekament a reliable support in an important undertaking such as buying an apartment or office space.
Srđan Mitrović
Sales director
Marija Mitrović
Sales manager
Bekament real estate for sale: